05/13/2021 - SWIM Classification Framework v1.0
Reproducible analysis and framework scripts for “A submonthly surface water classification framework via gap-fill imputation and random forest classifiers of Landsat imagery”
12/–/2017 - People in Ecosystems / Watershed Integration
Co-lead javascript programmer / developer for PEWI v3.0
Labuzzetta, C., et al. 2021. A Submonthly Surface Water Classification Framework via Gap-Fill Imputation and Random Forest Classifiers of Landsat Imagery. Remote Sensing 13(9), 1742.
08/29/2016 - Oxford Bioinformatics
Labuzzetta, C., et al. 2016. Complementary feature selection from alternative splicing events and gene expression for phenotype prediction. Bioinformatics 32(17):i421-i429.
Labuzzetta, C. 2020. Spatiotemporal refinement of water classification via random forest classifiers and gap-fill imputation in LANDSAT imagery. Iowa State University.